I’m happy you’ve made your way to my website.
Think of this site as a doorway. We open and close them every day, use them to go into rooms we’ve never visited, or to move in and out of places we’ve been to a thousand times. Doorways are everywhere, each with its own particular purpose.This doorway leads to the work I’ve devoted myself to for the last 25 years. I invite you to take a few moments to explore, to see what there is for you here:
THRESHOLDS to step over
BRIDGES to cross
JOURNEYS to travel
This work is at the heart of a spiral we travel on to learn about ourselves, round and round, deeper and deeper with each circular pass. The work can also involve a community of seekers, though we don’t seek a single truth. What we seek is our own individual truth, and from that place of honesty, work to shape our lives in accordingly.
So, please, look around. If you have any questions, I’m available to answer them as best I can, or, at the very least, point you in the right direction.
Julianna Waters, LCSW, MFA